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2014 Renault Clio Cup【Video】Renault has released the first details for the 2014 Clio Cup. The 2014 Renault Clio Cup will be exclusively offered will go on sale in September of 2013 with pricing starts at €37,800.

Dartz will unveil a golden armored vehicle at Top Marques Abu Dhabi.

Prombron, inspired by James Bond sagas, is “the car with the golden wheels”. The vehicle will be piece of golden armor and it will include golden wheels. Not only wheels will be touched by gold, armored glass will be also coated with gold and all the body of car will be covered by gold snake skin vinyl.

The car will be gold-encrusted armored SUV sporting gold wheels with sculpted 50-caliber bullets. And if these wheels haven’t taken your breath away, get a hold of this. The car will also have a gold tint to its windows and a galvanically-coated gold snake skin vinyl covering the seats. And these aren’t just ordinary seats with an expensive seat cover. These seats are straight out of Boris Yeltsin's Presidential plane.

Dartz golden wheel Dartz golden wheel Dartz golden wheel Dartz golden wheel Dartz golden wheel

Press Release

After unbelievable success at last Top Marques Monaco Show 2010 where DARTZ presented two cars: DARTZ.PROMBRON (ex.RussoBaltique).RED.DIAMOND (full name armored luxury model) and DARTZ.KOMBAT (armored daily driver) company preparing next car to Top Marques Abu Dhabi.

It was very hard to create something new to shock this world again after PROMRBON.RED.DIAMOND.

But...DARTZ did it again!

Next DARTZ luxury armored project - PROMBRON (ex.Russobaltique) promise to be Royal From Royals For Royals.

Yes, DARTZ keep traditions which was born more than 100 years ago when RussoBaltique factory - were DARTZ is located now - start to manufacture luxury coaches and at 1907 opened automotive Department which made Monte Carlo 1912 Rally winner car - RussoBaltique. Since 1912 factory became Russian Tzars Nikolai II Army supplier, made world first four wheel drive car, and since 1914 this 4wheeler became also armored. So - royal blood was in this car from it's birth.

And starting again royal trip from Top Marques Monaco show at 2009 - 100 years after first car left RussoBalt left factory in Riga - PROMBRON (ex.RussoBaltique) successfully continue it together with Top Marques - World One & Only Live SuperCar Show.

Next stop - Top Marques Abu Dhabi - and gold, gold, gold.

Yes, our next car will be piece of golden armor. Last year we released that PROMBRON is real James Bond car for AFganistan - and this year real James Bond - Roger Moor told: "YES! IT IS REAL!"

And inspired of James Bond saga's were Roger Moor was starring - next DARTZ armored car project have long name - THE CAR WITH THE GOLDEN WHEELS. And this golden wheels - of course, of course - will be bulleted.

But not only wheels will be touched by gold - again, like in spaceship - armored glass will be also coated with gold on former soviet space industry factory, and all the car body will be covered by gold SNAKE.SKIN.VINYL. This product was specially created by DARTZ for luxury car coating - as DARTZ is tired from just matte or just carbon vinyl and decide to continue tactile sensitive car coating film serie were was WHALE.SKIN.VINYL and KA$H.FEEL.VINYL. And - specially for this car SNAKE.SKIN.VINYL will be coated with gold at same space industry factory were glasses were coated. And - in difference with galvanic gold coating - DARTZ use nano gold coating which allow not only to coat vinyl deep inside, but also allow to keep "skin" free from dust - which is very important in desert.

Last - but not least. Man in car with the Golden wheels must have Golden Gun. And car owners will have it. Authentic copy of Bolshevik favorite gun Mauser - but made from natural gold.

And - of course, of course, of course.

Question Number One which we left for desert.


This time they will be more exclusive than You can imagine.

And that won't be anybody's penis.

This will be seats which still remember warm of first Russian Presiden Boris Jeltzin ass.

This will be seats from Jeltzin's airplane.

Original seats from original Russian board N1 which we bought some years ago.

Seats where drunken ass Jeltzin flight to many countries for oficial visits.

So driving CAR WITH THE GOLDEN WHEELS You will be more than Royal from Royals.

In reality we can't find the word as we are russians - and no english synonims to russian expression.

Stay in touch with DARTZ and we promise You to release every month till Top Marques Abu Dhabi new gold toy for our armored baby and it's future customer.

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